- Proposal -


The title of our project is: “Legacy of Kain – Revamped”. For this module we will be working as a team to redesign and draw an extensive range of concept art for the first two games in the Legacy of Kain series. I will be responsible for the redesigning of concepts relating to the first game – Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen, while Kieran will be reworking the concepts for the second game – Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. The range of work will consist of: artefacts, characters, creatures, and environment designs.

Most significantly we are striving to adapt the original medieval styling into a more modern, science fiction based presentation. The main reasons for doing so are directly linked to the fact that neither of us have used a strong science fiction style in our work before. Naturally this provides an opportunity to improve our skills with unfamiliar topics and themes, as well as experimenting with new drawing/ rendering techniques.

The original Legacy of Kain games are an obvious source of initial influence. In terms of art style influences, the work of Joe Madureira (responsible for the Darksiders concept art) is particularly relevant to this project. This is due to some slight similarities to the original art style prevalent in the original Legacy of Kain games, such as exaggerated, comic book style proportions and themes. As a result, we will be aiming to work towards a style similar to this in order to achieve a consistency of style in the finished concepts.

In consideration of continuities between this project and previous assignments, it is still focused on the pre-production stages of a game (concept art). Additionally, there is a going to be a lot of artefact and character work involved. Discontinuities in relation to past work will come in the form of extensive environment designs as well as an exploration into armour, clothing, item, and weapon ideas.

Media, Technique & Process:

As mentioned earlier, Photoshop will be used predominantly to develop any pencil sketches pertaining to character, environment, and any form of item designs. It may also be necessary to draw and build upon storyboards which detail certain, significant events in the story, or the way in which certain characters move or behave.